How well are we doing ?
Every year the government publishes information about how well schools are performing and in particular how well the children in each school do at the end of each ‘key stage’.
Every year the government publishes information about how well schools are performing and in particular how well the children in each school do at the end of each ‘key stage’.
This means at the end of Early Years Foundation Stage (the end of Reception), end of Key Stage 1 (the end of year 2) and end of Key Stage 2 (end of year 6).This information is used to judge schools and to enable us all to make comparisons between schools both locally and nationally. You can easily access the full details of all schools’ performance data on the government website
Here is the performance data that we publish for our schools. We hope it gives you some useful information and helps to explain why we are pleased to be part of the Brindishe Schools’ experience.