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Parents & Carers

At Brindishe Green we build a strong partnership between staff, parents and carers because we know this is important in helping children to achieve and to enjoy learning.

We will keep you well informed about the school and involved in your child’s education.

How do we do this?


The headteacher’s newsletter is published on our website every Friday and sent out by email, telling you about special events, school activities, news and to give you information on day-to-day school life. It is also published on our school website each week.

Parent/Teacher meetings

In the autumn term, parents and carers will be invited to make an appointment to meet the teacher who will be taking your child for the year. No work will be available at this meeting as it is very early in the term. During this first meeting each year we also carry out a data check to make sure we have the most up to date information about your child. We will also discuss and agree targets for children’s learning.

Parents’ meetings

Mid-way through the school year, there will be invitations for all parents and carers to come into school to discuss their child’s progress and set targets for the rest of the academic year. Your child’s work will be available for you to see and discuss with their teacher.

End of year summary

In July your child will bring home their end of year report. Parents and carers can make an appointment to discuss the report with the class teacher if they wish. Parents and carers’ written responses to the report forms part of their child's records.

Curriculum evenings and open learning days

These are occasions when parents and carers come into school to find out about children’s learning and how they’re being taught at Brindishe Green. For example, we have held sessions on maths, literacy and information on computing including e-safety. Sometimes a guest speaker will be invited and sometimes children and staff give demonstration lessons and illustrated talks. These opportunities provide staff, parents and carers time to share ideas and information on important education issues.


As school policies are being developed, parents and carers are formally invited to give their views, particularly on draft and final policy documents.

Each year parents and carers are asked to consider and review our school development plan and to make suggestions about future targets and areas for development.

Sometimes a policy is not subject to consultation at school level and parents and carers are then informed of how to make their views known at local and national government level. This would apply, for example, to the Local Authority’s admissions policy and government regulations and requirements.

Copies of school policy documents are freely available from the school office.

Talking to the teacher or a member of staff

If we have any concerns about your child’s progress, happiness and well-being or behaviour, the teacher will contact you straight away to discuss this with you.

If you have any concerns that you want to discuss with us then please contact us or come and see us as soon as possible. If you want to talk to a member of staff, then it is a good idea to telephone, send a note or email to request a mutually convenient time. The most difficult time for teachers to talk to parents and carers is at the beginning of the school day. It is important for teachers to give their attention to welcoming and settling in all the children in the class, so please try to help us by leaving discussions until the end of the day.

If you cannot come to school, or do not want to arrange an appointment, you can write, email or telephone us instead.

Parents with a serious worry or complaint should arrange to talk this over with the headteacher or one of her deputies. We hope that most problems or worries can be sorted out in this way. If you do not feel that the discussion has resolved the difficulty then you can make a formal complaint. There is a formal procedure for making serious complaints and copies of the procedure are available from the school office or from Lewisham Children and Young People’s Services.