Charging and Remissions
Our principles:
- The school will never seek to make a profit from charging for activities offered to the children.
- The school believes that all children are entitled to take part in all the activities we offer.
- No child will be excluded from an activity on the basis of non-payment of requested contribution.
- Any shortfall in meeting the cost of an activity from voluntary contributions will be reviewed and the school will seek to subsidise the trip from either fund-raising, grants or school budget monies that would otherwise be spent on other teaching and learning priorities.
- The focus of all activities will be on learning and all activities will be selected to support the curriculum.The safety of the children and accompanying adults is of paramount importance and will never be compromised in the interest of cost saving.
- We will seek to use public transport wherever practical for reasons of cost and sustainability
- Children will be offered a variety of activities over the course of their schooling, so we can aim to fulfil their cultural entitlement.
- Reasonable costs will be a consideration in choice of activities, and we will seek to offer a balance between charged and free activities.