It's a rich experience at Brindishe Green...
We are very lucky to have a huge range of enrichment activities taking place throughout the school every week. We have...
We are very lucky to have a huge range of enrichment activities taking place throughout the school every week. We have a wonderful team of experts who come to Brindishe Green each week to work with our children and support their learning.
Kate Ling, our writing support specialist, is currently working with Year 6. She taps into the creative writing talents of our children and produces fantastic pieces of writing, which we will be able to publish in a very special book towards the end of the year. Arzu Ikiz, our art specialist, is working with classes in Year 2 and Year 5 this term. Like Kate, she also works alongside the classroom teacher to support creativity in visual arts. The children hugely enjoy their sessions and produce some superb work.
We are also treated to specialist music lessons. Year 3 have just begun Djembe drumming lessons. The enthusiasm of the children can be heard reverberating all over the school on Wednesdays! Year 4 have begun the more complex ukelele. We are delighted to be running extension clubs for both instruments this term to allow children to extend what they have learnt in the class sessions.
Our sporting activities are second to none, with an enormous range of activities available over the year in curriculum time. This term, we have specialist coaches in rugby, netball, swimming, hockey and gymnastics. Again, it provides our children with opportunities to extend their skills and encourages them to develop an interest in sport.
Here at Brindishe Green, we believe in providing children with a rich and varied curriculum. We hope that over the year, all children will have opportunities to experience our creative curriculum and reap the benefits!